Inquiring minds would like to know …
If someone leaves their animals out in the cold and/or fails to feed them, the SPCA cares for the animals and charges the owners. To public applause. Why then are the Gordon Campbell BC Liberals allowed to leave people exposed to the winter elements and hungry? And where is the public outcry?
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Go live in the okanagan and fruit pick. You have wayyyyyy too much unused time , sitting in the library posting questions that no one is going to have answers for. The answer is dont do drugs, call a family member... and look for a job. They are OUT THERE. Why is is homeless people are sooooo righteous? And the rest of society has to be robbed by them and isten to their incessant bitching? We non homeless people, have worked damn hard in keeping our head above water. It is not without hard times, and mental breakdowns as well. The strong survive. The weak complain and do nothing.
It is Okanogan not okanagan.
It is don't not dont.
It is listen not isten.
You might want to learn to spell, and then you could read and UNDERSTAND the written word.
Oh and about those questions you claim have no answers. Just because thinking causes your head to hurt and you obviously avoid original thoughts it is incorrect to assume everyone is as incapable of intelligent, creative and useful thought as you. With all the people who have access to this on the web I am sure that there will be interesting ideas and approaches generated.
It is don't not dont.
It is listen not isten.
You might want to learn to spell, and then you could read and UNDERSTAND the written word.
Oh and about those questions you claim have no answers. Just because thinking causes your head to hurt and you obviously avoid original thoughts it is incorrect to assume everyone is as incapable of intelligent, creative and useful thought as you. With all the people who have access to this on the web I am sure that there will be interesting ideas and approaches generated.
To the first commenter "anonymous"
Do you really think that you are stronger because you "work damn hard to keep your head above water"?
Think twice! I wonder how long your strength would last as a homeless on the street!
Don't ever overestimate yourself and underestimate others. You never know if the next homeless is going to be you or someone else. People tend to be sure about many things yet they forget that faith has its own unpredictable way. You can never really be sure about what the next day will bring you!
Do you really think that you are stronger because you "work damn hard to keep your head above water"?
Think twice! I wonder how long your strength would last as a homeless on the street!
Don't ever overestimate yourself and underestimate others. You never know if the next homeless is going to be you or someone else. People tend to be sure about many things yet they forget that faith has its own unpredictable way. You can never really be sure about what the next day will bring you!
The Okanagan may be a bit better but I spent a summer picking blueberries and I earned an amazing $4.50 an hour even though I worked as hard as I could. The GOOD pickers earned $8.00 an hour. Charging based on the amount picked is perfectly legal. This is why we fly in Mexicans, because picking wages are literally slave wages. Plus this kind of work is seasonal. Try living off of this kind of work.
I went through a rough time losing a business and I was never homeless only because of family support (even though I was too proud to ask for it). I barely got out of my predicament. I am just lucky to have a good family.
I went through a rough time losing a business and I was never homeless only because of family support (even though I was too proud to ask for it). I barely got out of my predicament. I am just lucky to have a good family.
The reason is this Gordon can't afford to track down and bill every parent of a homeless person. I am sure if he could he would.
Im not sure but how to but post this but my Inquiring mind would like to know why is it People Power doesn't really exist here in Canada and the U.S. Yet most people look down on the French as ignorant demanding emotionally charged yet they have most publicly charged goverment if goverment in France piss off the people they waste no time getting on the streets and in their faces we can't seem to get that going here and until the muncipality or goverment starts to fear the people again its never going to change.
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